Homeschool convention season is here!
Prepare for fun, encouragement, adventure, and inspiration! Homeschool conventions such as Teach Them Diligently and The Great Homeschool Convention are wonderful opportunities for both seasoned homeschool families, those just starting out, or even those of you who are simply thinking about homeschooling.
Coming up this year…
Leigh Bortins, author and founder of Classical Conversations will be speaking at select conventions across the US. She will be emphasizing the time-tested enjoyment of learning and the fundamentals of classical education. Attendees will discover what math can look like when taught from a classical Christian perspective and learn about a new K-12 math curriculum that Leigh has been developing.
Additionally, Classical Conversations is bringing a new virtual reality experience to the conventions! Imagine entering a room full of students who are eager to share their latest lessons with you. Rather than having a single person give you an overview of the program, you now can hear first-hand why these kids are excelling.
Want to learn more?
Click here to find out what conventions Classical Conversations will be at and watch the video below for more fun and details!
Classical Conversations (and Leigh Bortins) are headed to local homeschool conventions: https://offer.classicalconversations….