Classical Learning Cohort
Learning Classical Tools through
Practice and Hospitable Assessment
Introducing the Classical Learning Cohort
Grow in Confidence
At Classical Conversations®, we believe that parents can provide quality education for their children. Yet, parents often feel unsure of how to accomplish this goal. Our Classical Learning Cohort program can help! These cohorts help CC Directors, Tutors, and Parent-Teachers grow in confidence and competence with the classical tools of learning and as classical educators.
Together Is Better
The Classical Learning Cohorts accomplish this by meeting regularly online and practicing the tools of learning with discussion, presentations, and assessment. You will engage, experience, and enlarge your classical teaching expertise alongside parents just like you!
“CLC was the perfect amount of time: every other week for two hours, with six meetings. It was manageable and the cost was well worth it! The lessons my mentor presented each time were great, and it was a growing experience.”
“CLC has been great in helping me follow a form in preparing my lessons at home . . . I think through the lessons . . . and how to relate them to the students and create a desire to learn the material. The questions have been very helpful in assessing that the students are following the lessons, too.”
Designed for You
CC’s online, practical, intimate Classical Learning Cohorts are for CC Directors, Tutors, and parents, in other words, you! Each cohort is a positive, restful, and classical mentoring experience designed to build confidence and skill for teaching and assessing well. The Classical Learning Cohorts exist to support Classical Christian Community and home-centered education.
Worth the Investment
Sure, we’re biased, but CLC members will tell you, yes! The CLC experience is a worthy investment. This is a cost-effective program that articulates, models, and offers practical engagement with the classical model of learning. You will cultivate new skills and grow in assurance and confidence as you provide a quality education for your children.
“The CLC has had the single largest positive impact on my growth as a classical educator. It is the reason my class feels successful on community day, and it has changed how I give assessment.”
Laura G.